NBI Poetry Slam: I Long for more

Well I didn’t think I would be doing this but I ended up joining in with Syl’s Poetry Slam that she organised as part of the NBI. I’m far more the analytical type of person, I love being creative but I am far from being eloquent enough with language to create poetry. But inspiration seemed to strike me although I’m not sure what type of poem this is or even if it qualifies.. oh well. It was originally meant to be a mournful tale about what was missing and the issues I have with these online worlds of ours (one in particular) but it ended up being more an ode to the wonderful experiences I’ve had.

ffxiv sunset
I have basked in the glow of sunset sky’s;
Lands burnished, frozen tiers, sands ablaze in the sun;
filled with awe, awash in unmatched joy,
But still I long for more

I have plumbed the depths of many worlds,
ransacking crypts, and caves, and the castles of old
for treasures and trinkets of immeasurable wealth,
But still I long for more


I have faced terror and squashed fear;
Stared into the eyes of abyss, challenging my soul
yet remained composed, calm, collected.
But still I long for more

Gw2 golem brigade

I have been within a group, a cog in the wheel, a part of a whole;
acted without thought, followed without sound;
achieved something great together as one.
But still I long for more


I have talked and fought with people from around the world
together to complete amazing feats, against to create enthralling wars.
To be larger than self, apart of a greater goal
I long for more

5 thoughts on “NBI Poetry Slam: I Long for more

  1. I love this – it captures the entire MMO experience beautifully. it’s also great to see bloggers join for the poetry slam who usually wouldn’t; you’d be surprised what more you can do if you only let yourself 🙂

    • trust me when I say my poems of old are the stuff of nightmares…hopefully never EVER to see the light again.

      Well inspiration struck this time and how could I resist a call to arms from you

  2. You give yourself too little credit. Sounds very eloquent and evocative to me. Plenty of alliteration too. 🙂

    And that first FFXIV picture is stunningly beautiful.

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