Site Update

Hellooo Minions

Well I finally got around to cleaning out and updating the blogroll with lots of new fancy additions.. its only been like forever since I intended to and forgot but it’s the cleaning time around the house in order to get ready for a lovely Christmas bruncheon and the mood must have seeped over into here.

New blogs..

  • Far Beyond my Capacity – Wonderful TSW resource. Up to date news and great write ups of events and the PnP campaign is an amusing read
  • Parallel Context – Nice mmo write ups which although often focus on WoW offer some insights into the genre
  • Wallcat Games – General gaming and in depth musings on mechanics and tropes
  • The Egg Baron – Rather new blog focusing on GW2 with up to date news, guides, dev post analysis, and general discussion on everything
  • ECT MMO – gameplay musings and documenting her travels through various mmo’s.. with lots of amazing pics
  • Herding Cats – This is one of my favourite blogs right now which has some wonderfully relaxed writing on general gaming and mmo’s… and awesome podcast

I have also started one of those fancy twitter things so I guess I am officially a Twit, well I started it a long time ago now but never really thought to use it for like… stuff. I am still utterly dumbfounded by everything about it and have no idea what I should really put into or how to go about that weird thing called socialising….Scary brrrr. I think it will be good as it is a much easier way to relay quick notes and interesting tidbits but it will be a learning process and hopefully in time I can learn and expand my boundaries, or possibly crash and burn.

Oh and if you know any interesting twits… twats? (seriously what is the actual name for someone who tweets) you could recommend regarding gaming and mmo’s that would be appreciated, nothing really related to celebrities though unless there really amazingly super awesome.

7 thoughts on “Site Update

  1. Follow @BigMikeyOcho. That guy sure is an MMO noob. šŸ˜› I started using Twitter a while ago, and think I finally have a decent grasp on what it is, how to use it, and its social power, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    Also, I think the term for people using Twitter is tweeters.

    • thanks for that, there is definitely a bit of social power behind although it seems like a high school popularity contest again.. and I’m not that outspoken.. or interesting.
      tweeters..hmmm, I think Twit sounds better, rolls of the tongue

  2. Thanks for the plug!

    I always find it interesting browsing people’s blog rolls. I found a few great blogs I read doing that, and it’s a good way of gauging different opinions on hot topics (a bit like twitter, but you get a more in depth discussion).

    Herding Cats looks like a good read. Going to keep my eye on that one.

    Welcome to twitter too! If you want a follow let me know @Merecraft šŸ™‚

    Happy Christmas (or whatever non-denominational holiday festivity you choose to follow)!

    • you know by now I only pray to our deity Cthulhu.. but I will follow along with the festivities.. you know to bring it down from the inside

  3. Thanks very much for the link, and a tip of my hat to Merecraft. šŸ™‚ I’m on Twitter @Liores, although I mostly just post about adorable dogs I see.

  4. Thanks for mentioning my blog, Egg Baron! Love reading your blog so it is kind of surreal seeing mine mentioned. šŸ˜€

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

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