Hearthstone: Troll Shaman

Well, I maybe mostly played just one game this week. Hearthstone and yes, please send help. I got hopelessly addicted to the arena’s this week and trying to work my way back up the ladder. It’s been a frustrating failure in a few ways, only making it to rank 13 but rather fun too. Instead of going on about that for another post  I thought I’d write an overview down of my Shaman deck instead.

I don’t have a special names for it just yet as I’m really not that imaginative when it comes to naming things. I believe Izlain called it my troll shaman deck so, let’s go with that. Yes, the character for a shaman is a troll but it’s also a play on words being that the deck can really annoy with how it’s got an answer for just about everything… Barring getting card screwed of course. It’s a deck I believe could take me further if and when I get a cuple decent legendaries and of course with lots of luck.

Anyway, here it is

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