Guild Wars Wish List: Issue 4

Call me a megalomaniac if you will but killing people and besting them in combat whether it be on even terms or a complete landslide has to be one of the  best parts of an mmo. I love the thrill it brings and even that deep down feeling it of being better than someone when you beat them. I even love defeat as it gives you a reason to strive for more, to better your skills, your build, and how you put it all together.

The developers have done an amazing job crafting some great PvP game types in a field where it usually is nothing more than an afterthought and for that I am truly grateful. I have been flitting between mmo’s for a little while now and have been thoroughly unsatisfied with everything else out there and then Guild Wars completely blows me out of the water with a decent focus on creating bigger and better PvP systems. Now they aren’t perfect, far from it but it’s a start and it is leagues better than anything else that has come out in many years by a bigger developer.

And without further adeu here is my first.. of many wishes for the betterment of PvP in Guild Wars 2.

WvW Map Improvements

At first I was completely and utterly blown away with the scope of these maps, they seemed so expansive at first when I was running around with the guild, bashing heads with randoms. Learning the maps was a big part of those initial battles which extending over a month, it was a period of learning for everyone but now it is starting to feel a little old, the maps have grown stale as we have learned what we can and there is very little else to do except following the same basic strategies, the same siege placements. Now the maps we do have are well designed with many different layouts throughout the zone to adapt to such as valleys and hills, choke points to hinder zergs, and open plains for lots of carnage which is enough that the combat you have changes based on the terrain surrounding you.

-Word Spam Ahoy