Couch PODtatoe 7: Sandbox Round Table

For this week we had our first ever round table discussion and it was great to have more people along. It was a much bigger discussion point so it was great to have the venerable Roger from Contains moderate Peril and the Adorable Missy from Missy’s MOJO. It’s actually rather hard to organise these things, Izzy handled getting everyone together but I just mean enabling everyone space to talk without certain people (me) overwhelming the discussion. It’s funny that the more we do this the more comfortable I seem to become in putting my point across.

Now I still get nervous about doing all this and am not comfortable with hearing myself, although most people aren’t but it seems once you get into the flow of things you kind of forget all the issues you have and concerns for the end product and just have a natural discussion with someone. It’s weird though as when talking to people usually I’m quite the opposite, talking a lot and being fine with a friend or even new colleague but then once it gets to a small group size I retreat back into my shell, preferring the reserved thoughtful approach.  Sometimes I end up not even adding to a conversation and just nod my head and say yeh a lot.

I think that comes down to my more introverted nature. It’s not scary beign in a group or talking that way but more some sense of not wanting to break the current conversation, or butt in with my own opinion. Online tends to remove a lot of that so it feels more free to discuss things which I guess is great for a podcast. I don’t think i will ever be 100% comfortable or even overwhelmingly positive about the experience of podcasting but will hopefully become comfortable in time.


This week’s discussion, the sandbox and talking about the elements we enjoy and a few big parts that make up the experience. The definition of sandbox was the first talk and it’s odd just how confusing that term has become and well, how it can encompass so many experiences.

There was talk about having elements of PvP in games, how they are incorporated and the effect they can have and I think we came to the conclusion that these are some elements that improve the experience but there need to be certain fail safes there. That it can’t just be gank happy but have elements that protect but still allow flexibility.

There was of course discussion about economy and whether or not it is a required feature for an mmo to work. If it is included what style of crafting should be included and just how deep should the rabbit hole of economy go.

Lastly there was progression, and just how far it should go. Are levels a good thing, do you need power growth or are horizontal elements of growth just as important. Oh and then we talked about the interest in survival type games lately and whether this would make for a good mmo. Would player needs and permadeath work in a more persistent environment.

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Couch Podtatoes Epsiode 7: Sandbox Roundtable (runtime: 1:05:47)

Host Contact information:

Blog: Me vs Myself and I
Twitter: @mevsmyselfandi

Blog: Healing the Masses
Twitter: @ausj3w3l


Blog: Contains Moderate Peril
Twitter: @moderateperil

Blog: Missy’s Mojo
Twitter: @missysmojo

#podcast #blaugust #sandbox

3 thoughts on “Couch PODtatoe 7: Sandbox Round Table

  1. Then having a discussion with people I don’t know to well, I find it hard to “butt in”, and when I do, I end up feeling bad for interrupting, cause it is kind of rude to do, but when it comes to podcasting, you kind of have to because the host might suddenly be done with the topic and move on. I interrupted you once, and I felt horrible haha. I like you tho, listening to you. Got lots of interesting things to say.

    • it does feel kinda rude to butt in and I even get that feeling with my friends sometimes. Don’t feel bad for butting in on me, next time just say “SHUT UP ERI” haha.. that’s all it takes.

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